Consolidation Area Or Stack Area
Consolidation Area or Stack area is lack of a trend in a particular trading range
Consider it as there is some kind of war between buyer and seller that's why market become flat but u will also find stack area in trendy markets (its means overall market is trendy but there will be a short term stack area)
Consider it as there is some kind of war between buyer and seller that's why market become flat but u will also find stack area in trendy markets (its means overall market is trendy but there will be a short term stack area)
this type of market/area contains high risk because there are many SNR working behind and that why indecision happens.
Stack Area |
How to Identify?
- You can easily observe stack area when u see there is too much color-changing ( which usually indicate that buyer and seller are trying to take the market but they are not able to do it this thing will make more stack area)
- There will be more wicks
Stack area |
How to Utilize Stack Area
Avoid it, for Now, 😂 Because there will be many snr working behind after learning SNR You will understand how Stack Area is a GameChanger