Doji candle is an indecision candle it usually indicates equal pressure from buyers and sellers
You will find different types of Doji Candlesticks just remember that it is a indecision candle
Types of Doji |
Neutral,Gravestone,Long-Legged and Dragonfly Doji
Hammer / Inverted Hammer
Hammer is also an indecision candle it will work
according to the current market structure if the market is ranging then there will
be more chance that the market will be reversed and in the trending market it will work
as a continuation, we will discuss it later.
Hammer and inverted Hammer Include Abnormal Hammers |
Normal Candles
These types of candles are normal candle
Normal Healthy Candles |
Abnormal Candles
We usually avoid trading if there are abnormal candles because abnormal candles also indicate indecision in the market
Abnormal Candles